Datum November 2015

5 Items

What is meant by the term original sin?


  Original sin has to do with the fallenness of human nature. Jonathan Edwards wrote a tremendous treatise on original sin. He not only devoted himself to a lengthy exposition of what the Bible teaches about man’s fallen character and his propensity toward wickedness, but he made a study from a secular, rational perspective that […]

Grešnici u rukama gnevnog Boga


“Moja je osveta i plata, u svoje vreme popuznuće noga njihova, jer je blizu dan propasti njihove, i ide brzo šta će ih zadesiti.” (5. Moj. 32:35) U ovome stihu nalazimo jasnu pretnju Božje osvete nad pokvarenim i nevernim Izraelcima, koji su bili izabrani Božji narod i živeli su pod milošću, ali su uprkos Božjim veličanstvenim […]

FEAR NOT by R.C.Sproul


We are fragile mortals, given to fears of every sort. We have a built-in insecurity that no amount of whistling in the dark can mollify. We seek assurance concerning the things that frighten us the most. The prohibition uttered more frequently than any other by our Lord is the command, “Fear not …” He said this […]

Propovedni tekst: Marko 1,1-8.


U ovim stihovima vidimo potpunu objavu dostojanstva našeg Gospoda Isusa Hrista. Prva rečenica govori o Njemu da je Sin Božiji. Ove reči, Sin Božiji, saopštavaju mnogo. One predstavljaju tvrdnju da je naš Gospod Bog. One su objava da je Isus sam Bog, i ‘jednak s Bogom’ (Jovan 5,18) Predivna je stvar što je ova istina […]