Datum April 2013

2 Items

A Few Things that Describe Us…

by REC

1. We’re a community of faith – we passionately believe that Jesus gave us the Church and calls us, as believers, to be a part of his Church. According to Scripture, we can’t possibly be who we’re called to be as individuals without participating in the life of our Church community. 2. We believe that […]

Reforma ( mart 2013 )

by REC

Sadržaj broja: 1. Vaskrsenje u život večni 2. Hristovo vaskrsenje: naša nada spasenja 3. Starozavetna slika vaskrsenja Hristovog 4. Raduj se! Hrist je vaskrsao! 5. Azbučnik vere: Da li imaš pravog Isusa? 6. Zašto je Isus morao umreti? 8. Vaskrsenje i opravdanje 9. Behold the Lamb! Ovaj broj glasnika možete preuzeti klikom na sliku ili […]