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Evangelical Episcopal Witness


In these uncertain times – amidst changing values, moral decline, spiritual questioning and the advance of secular humanism – it’s good to know that there is a Christian Church that still offers a timely message to the uncertainty of our time. This alternative is consistent with God’s Holy Word. It focuses worship on Almighty God […]

Resolution on Sanctity of Human Life


Resolution on Sanctity of Human Life RESOLVED, that we, the Episcopal (Anglican) Community in Belgrade,Serbia, vigorously affirm the biblical teaching of the sanctity of human life, and deplore the practice of permitting abortions, with the possible exception of cases where it has been clearly established that the life of the mother is in danger.



The Episcopal (Anglican) Community Mission Statement Built upon the foundation of the authoritative Word of God, the Holy Scriptures, the Church sets her highest priority on biblicalworship and declares her commitment to the work of evangelism, the bold and unadulterated proclamation of salvation by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 8:4). In keeping the […]

Summary of Ecumenical Councils


Summary of Ecumenical Councils   Preface The historic Anglican position maintains that no council of the Church- general or otherwise – can claim immunity from error or corruption, and indeed that all councils “may err, and sometimes have erred, even in things pertaining to God.”The historic Articles of Religion of the Church of England go […]

Anglikanska crkva


Anglikanska crkva, držeći se vere koja je jedanpun predana svetima, ispoveda sledeće: Svoju veru u Sveta pisma, Staroga i Novoga zaveta, prihvatajući Reč Božiju za vodič vere i prakse. Svoje verovanje prema Veroispovedanjima: Atanasijevom, Nikejsko-carigradskom i Apostolskom. Svoju veru u božansko uspostavljanje svetih Tajni krštenja i Gospodnje večere, zatim u doktrine o milosti Božijoj. Crkva […]