Episkopalna slobodna crkva je potpuno nezavisna denominacija u anglikanskoj tradiciji. Nismo „otcepljeni“ od bilo koje druge anglikanske jurisdikcije, pa se kao takvi ne smatramo protivnim ili u sukobu sa bilo kojom drugom anglikanskom jurisdikcijom. Sasvim smo i potpuno nezavisni i ponosimo se ovim. Ne tražimo, niti ćemo tražiti, odobrenje ili potvrdu našeg legitimiteta od bilo koje druge crkve.
Mi se kao denominacija držimo istorijskih verovanja jedne katoličanske crkve, ali ih poučavamo na način koji ih čini pristupačnim velikoj većini vernika. Naše sveštenstvo, kao deo katoličanske crkve, poseduje istorijsku apostolsku sukcesiju. Želimo jasno reći da smo mi, iako neke od naših linija nasleđivanja dolaze iz starokatoličkih i nezavisnih katoličanskih izvora, potpuno i nedvosmisleno anglikanci u svojim verovanjima i praksama.
Nastojimo da donesemo radosnu vest o Bogu u Hristu onima koji su bili obespravljeni ili zaboravljeni od matičnih crkava. Nastojimo da propovedamo inkluzivno jevanđelje svima, bez izuzetka.
Mi smo kao denominacija sinteza tradicije i progresivizma. Ova dva pojma ne vidimo ovo kao kontradiktorne jedan sa drugim, već upravo suprotno, kao međusobno korisne jedan drugom, kao i svima nama. Naše bogosluženje je preuzeto iz Knjige zajedničke molitve iz 1662. godine, kao i odobrenih dodataka koji se smatraju neophodnim. Tradicionalni molitvenik je sidro koje nas drži u olujama u koje nas savremeni život baca. To je takođe most koji nam daje pristup našim duhovnim precima i pomaže nam da zadržimo snažan temelj vere i prakse.
Episkoplna (Anglikanska) zajednica u Beogradu je formalno bila pod jurisdikcijom Reformisane episkopalne crkve SAD-a od 2011 do 2019. Od januara 2019 Episkopalna (anglikanska) zajednica u Beogradau je deo Provincije Istočne Evrope. Provincija Istočne Evrope je članica Anglikanske slobodne zajednice.
Anglikanska slobodna zajednica je jedna od najstarijih Anglikanskih zajednica koje postoje a koja je konstituisana od strane veće grupe anglikanaca svih vrsta crkvenog duha – anglokatolika (tzv. High Church), evanđeoske (tzv. Low Church) i latitudinske (tzv. Broad Church), harizmatične i liberalne. Legalno su prepoznati od strane engleskih sudova 1917. godine kad aje jedan od sveštenika proglašen izuzetim od služenja vojnog roka na osnovu svog svešteničkog ređenja. Anglikansko slobodno zajedništvo je zajedništvo slobodnih anglikanskih crkava širom sveta koje živi anglikansko jedinstvo i pomirenje.
Anglikanska slobodna zajdnica jeste:
-Konfederacija nezavisnih i autokefalnih denominacija ili crkava koje pokazuju identitet u svojim posebnostima baš zbog autonomije svake pojedinačne crkve. One postoje u harmoniji jedna sa drugom i slede duhovnost i praksu koja je u okviru anglikanskog etosa. One prihvataju formu centralnosti jedino kao deo svetske porodice crkava.
Anglikanska slobodna zajednica nije:
-Površinski izraz slobode, koji može i ne mora da se nalazi u okviru Anlikanske zajednice, i prema tome ne želi da stvori zakonski ili pravni okvir, kao što može da se primeti u matičnom anglikanizimu.
-Crkveni model je istovremeno i katolički i protestantski, na način koji podrazumeva tradicionalno shvatanje ovih termina.
U Ustavu Anglikanske slobodne zajednice pominje se i pitanje inkluziviteta. Šta znači biti inkluzivan? Inkluzivno društvo je društvo koje prihvata pripadnike različitih društvenih klasa, bez diskriminacije, bez isključenosti ili ograničenja za lični i kolektivni razvoj, u koje se svi uklapamo, svojim razlikama, svojim sposobnostima, svojim znanjem i neznanjem.
Ipak, imajući u vidu komopleksnu prirodu socijalnih i političkih razlika širom sveta, mora se pokazati poštovanje za odluke različitih vlada zemanja u kojima je Zajednica uspostavljena, i to može da se čini kao da nije u saglasju sa otvorenim stavom Zajednice. Anglikanska slobodna zajednica ne želi da ni na koji način pokaže nerazumevanje prema situacijama koje mogu ugroziti ikoga od svog sveštenstva.
Kako bismo održali poverenje u našu doktrinu i kanone, upravno telo (Nadbiskupski savet) usvojilo je kodeks ponašanja, a očekuje se od svih članova ESC-a i sveštenstva da ga se pridržavaju radi održavanja odgovarajućih standarda ponašanja. Po imenovanju, prijemu ili nastavku školovanja, svi članovi ESC-a moraju potvrditi prihvatanje i obavezivanje ESC-ovom Kodeksu ponašanja.
Kodeks ponašanja:
(i) Odgovornosti za članove sveštenstva ESC-a
Ø Od članova se zahteva da se pridržavaju Kanona Episkopalne slobodne crkve (ESC).
Ø Da nastoje da ne učine ništa nažao (fizički, mentalno ili duhovno) drugome.
Ø Da nastoje da inspirišu i ohrabre druge na pozitivan način (javnost i kolege)
Ø Članovi imaju obavezu da osiguraju da razumeju odgovornosti koje se od njih zahtevaju u njihovoj pojedinačnoj službi u okviru tela ESC-a.
Ø Članovi ESC -a imaju dužnost i odgovornost da osiguraju da se sve njihove odluke, radnje i ponašanje, javno i privatno, donose u najboljem interesu ESC-a.
Ø Da rade kao Božje sluge u zajednici i u ESC-u.
Ø Članovi ESC-a imaju odgovornost da pokažu poštovanje i dostojanstvo prema drugima priznavajući i vrednujući različitost i ponašajući se na nediskriminatoran način u svakom trenutku.
Ø Da poštuju i podržavaju dobre principe rada, uključujući:
Ø Poverenje i diskreciju među kolegama; biti iskren i otvoren; postupati sa integritetom i poštovanjem prema svima.
Ø Postojanje dobre komunikacije među članovima, uključujući razmenu informacija (osim u slučajevima kada je diskretnost posebno zatražena od kolege ili člana crkve).
Ø Članovi ESC-a dužni su da saslušaju mišljenja drugih (i šire javnosti i kolega).
Ø Članovima bi trebalo omogućiti da razvijaju ideje i izražavaju kreativnost, da mogu o njima diskutovati, kao i da budu otvoreni za ideje drugih.
Ø Da nastoje prihvatanju odgovornosti i postizanju ciljeva
Ø Da održavaju informisanost o svetskim vestima i dešavanjima, posebno tamo gde na njih treba da bude obraćena pažnja u radu.
Ø Da traže savet i pomoć od nadbiskupa i/ili biskupa u slučaju da se pojedinac suoči sa situacijom za koju misli da nije sposoban da se sa njom nosi ili za koju mu je potreban dodatni savet.
Ø Diskrecija će se poštovati u situacijama kada je pojedinac zatražio diskreciju. Međutim, takva diskretnost neće biti moguća u slučajevima kriminalnog ponašanja i zlostavljanja dece
Ø Da usvoji otvoren stil u daljem učenju, sa ciljem da se uvek teži poboljšanju i rastu.
Ø Saradnja sa kolegama u diskusijama i projektima, tamo gde je to prikladno za pojedinca, kao i konstruktivni rad sa drugima na postizanju ciljeva i zadataka, gde je to potrebno.
Ø Osigurati da članovi ESC-a i sveštenstvo budu svesni da će odgovarati po zakonu za radnje kriminalne prirode ,kao i da podležu građanskim i državnim zakonima u R.Srbiji, ili zakonima zemlje u kojoj se nalaze.
Ø Kada je svešteniku oduzeta licenca ili je suspendovan ili disciplinski kažnjen, Nadbiskupski savet E SC-a može da obavesti druge agencije i službena tela radi zaštite ostalih. U ESC-u će se takvim službenicima i dalje nuditi podrška i saveti.
Ø Sveštenici moraju proći odgovarajuću zaštitnu obuku i moraju dostaviti dokaz o obuci Nadbiskupskom saboru.
(ii) Korporativne odgovornosti ESC-a
1. Pridržavati se Kanona ESC-a.
2. Osigurati da je ESC u skladu sa relevantnim pravilima/zakonima koji se odnose na volontere, ravnopravnost, ljudska prava, zdravlje i sigurnost, zaštitu podataka i slobodu informisanja.
Kodeks ponašanja ESC -a
1. „Nesebičnost: nosioci javnih funkcija u obavezi su da donose odluke isključivo u cilju javnog interesa. To ne smeju da čine da bi stekli finansijsku ili drugu materijalnu korist za sebe, svoju porodicu ili prijatelje.
2. Integritet: nosioci javnih funkcija ne smeju da se stavljaju pod bilo kakvu finansijsku ili drugu obavezu prema pojedincima ili organizacijama koje bi mogle uticati na njih u obavljanju njihovih službenih dužnosti.
3. Objektivnost: u obavljanju javnih poslova, uključujući javna imenovanja, dodeljivanja ugovora ili preporučivanja pojedinaca za nagrade ili beneficije, nosioci javnih funkcija treba da donesu meritorne odluke.
4. Odgovornost: nosioci javnih funkcija odgovorni su javnosti za svoje odluke i postupke i u obavezi su da se podvrgnu svakoj vrsti nadzora koji je određen za njihovu funkciju.
5. Otvorenost: nosioci javnih funkcija treba da budu što je moguće otvoreniji u pogledu svih odluka i radnji koje preduzimaju. U ovavezi su navesti razloge za svoje odluke i ograničiti informacije samo kada to zahteva širi javni interes.
6. Iskrenost: nosioci javnih funkcija dužni su da objave sve privatne poslove koji su u vezi sa njihovim javnim dužnostima, kao i da preduzmu neophodne korake za rešavanje svih sukoba interesa na način koji štiti javni interes.
7. Liderstvo: nosioci javnih funkcija dužni su da promovišu i podržavaju ove principe liderstvom i sopstvenim primerom. ”
Applying for Ministry
The Ordained and Lay Ministries are open to both men and women. Each province will have their own respective admission criteria based on the Constitution, and individual bishops will advise on selection and formation.
In the home province of the Europe East a basic requirement is for the attainment of a university degree in any subject. This provides evidence of a candidate’s academic ability and capability for further study.
In countries where the availability of advanced education and learning is difficult to obtain, decisions on a candidate’s suitability for Holy Orders may be locally decided.
Bishops and their advisers will ascertain how best to proceed in each individual case. Potential ordinands should have been baptised and confirmed in a church within the Apostolic Succession
Episcopal (Anglican) Community in Belgrade was formally under jurisdiction of the Reformed Episcopal Church (USA) from 2011 up to 2019. From January 2019 Episcopal (Anglican) Community in Belgrade is a member of Province of Europe East. Province of Europe East is a member province of Anglican Free Communion.
Anglican Free Communion is one of the oldest Anglican Communions in existence and is constituted by a large group of Anglicans of all varieties of churchmanship from Anglo – Catholic (High Church), Evangelical (Low Church), Latitudinarian (Broad Church), Charismatic and Liberal. It was legally recognized by the English courts in 1917 when one of its clergyman was declared exempt from military service by virtue of his ordination. The Anglican Free Communion is a communion of free Anglican churches around the world, living and Anglican reconciliation and unity.
– exists in harmony with one another and follows a spirituality and practice within an Anglican ethos.
– only accepts any form of centrality as part of a world-wide family of Churches
This ecclesial model is both catholic and protestant as understood in traditional terms
Each Province contains Churches or Denominations having their own jurisdiction and diocesan structures. Any Church having it’s own canonical organisation is named within that Province, the latter title being reserved to that of the Anglican Free Communion itself.
Where there is no Denominational title it is assumed that the Provinces are not only those of the Anglican Free Communion (a confederation or family of Churches) but are of the Episcopal Free Church. Some of these may also prefer to use the original title; the Free Protestant Episcopal Church or the Free Protestant Episcopal Church of England
The Anglican Free Communion – The Episcopal Free Church :
– is a group of Christians on pilgrimage to and in Jesus Christ
– possesses a spirituality which is inclusive, equitable and ecumenical
– rejoices in our freedom in Christ
– has an ecumenistic outlook
– possesses values of equity and inclusiveness
– promotes the Universal Human Rights Declaration
-seeks the promotion of a just society
– strives to make present the Kingdom of God – in present-time
– has an “Anglican ethos” as reflected in our diverse forms of worship
– our identities include : Anglo-Catholic, Charismatic, Evangelical, Latitudinarian and Liberal
– was founded as The Free Protestant Episcopal Church
– is a self-governing independent Anglican episcopal community worldwide
– consists of autonomous Provinces, comprising self-governing churches and families of churches
– respects all primates and leaders of the Christian world
– believes the Word of God (Old & New Testaments) contains all necessary for Salvation
– holds Apostolic and Sacramental Traditions as defined in the first four church councils
– accepts as symbols of the faith the Apostolic, Nicene and Athanasius Creeds
– holds Apostolic Succession
– is not subject to any primate beyond our jurisdiction or any European monarch
– rejects imperialism and violence (physical, economic, psychological or other).
Applying for Ministry
The Ordained and Lay Ministries are open to both men and women. Each province will have their own respective admission criteria based on the Constitution, and individual bishops will advise on selection and formation.
In the Province of Europe East basic requirement is for the attainment of a university degree in any subject. This provides evidence of a candidate’s academic ability and capability for further study.
In countries where the availability of advanced education and learning is difficult to obtain, decisions on a candidate’s suitability for Holy Orders may be locally decided.
Bishops and their advisers will ascertain how best to proceed in each individual case. Potential ordinands should have been baptised and confirmed in a church within the Apostolic Succession.
The Canons of the Province of Europe East.2019
In order to maintain confidence in our doctrine and canons, the governing body (The Archbishop’s Council) has adopted a code of conduct that all EFC members and Clergy are expected to comply with in order to maintain appropriate standards of conduct. Upon appointment or admission to or continuation in, all EFC members are required to confirm their acceptance of, and commitment to the EFC Code of Conduct.
Code of conduct:
(i) Responsibilities for members of the EFC Clergy
Ø Members are required to adhere to the Canons of the The Episcopal Free Church (EFC).
Ø To strive to do no harm (physically, mentally, or spiritually) to others.
Ø To strive to inspire and uplift others in a positive manner (public and colleagues)
Ø Members have an obligation to ensure that they understand the responsibilities that are required of them in their individual office within the body of the EFC.
Ø Members of the EFC have a duty and responsibility to ensure that all their decisions, actions, and behaviour both publically and privately are taken in the best interests of the EFC.
Ø To work as a servant of God in the community and in the EFC.
Ø Members of the EFC have a responsibility to demonstrate respect, and dignity for others acknowledging and valuing diversity and conducting themselves in a non-discriminatory manner at all times.
Ø To observe and uphold good working principles including:
Ø Trust and confidentiality between colleagues; being honest and open; acting with integrity and respect for one and all.
Ø Good communication between members including the sharing of information (except where confidentiality has been specifically requested with a colleague or member of the public).
Ø Members of the EFC should listen to the views of others (both the public and colleagues).
Ø Members should be allowed to have ideas and express creativity and to be able to discuss these and to be open to the ideas of others.
Ø To aspire to accept responsibility and achieve goals
Ø To keep an awareness of world news and developments especially where these need to be acknowledged in Ministry.
Ø To seek advice and help from the Archbishop and/or Bishops in the event that an individual meets a situation where they feel out of their depth or need additional input from others.
Ø Confidentiality will be respected in situations where an individual has requested confidentiality. However, such confidentiality will not be given where cases of criminal behaviour or child abuse is involved
Ø To adopt an open style of learning always seeking to improve and grow.
Ø Collaboration with colleagues in discussion and projects where appropriate to individuals, and to work constructively with others to achieve goals and objectives, where appropriate.
Ø To ensure that EFC members and clergy are aware that they will be held accountable in law for actions of a criminal nature and are subject to civil and common laws in the SRB or the laws of the country in which they are situated.
Ø When a cleric’s licence has been withdrawn or they have been suspended or disciplined, the Archbishop’s Council of the EFC may inform other agencies and official bodies to protect the public. Such clerics will continue to be offered support and counsel from the EFC.
Ø Clerics must undergo appropriate safeguarding training and must provide evidence of the training to the Archbishop’s Council.
(ii) EFC Corporate responsibilities
1. To adhere to the Canons of the EFC.
2. To ensure that the EFC complies with the relevant rules/laws regarding volunteers, equalities, human rights, health and safety, data protection and freedom of information legislation.
The code of conduct of the EFC
1. “Selflessness: holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.
2. Integrity: holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties.
3. Objectivity: in carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for awards or benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
4. Accountability: holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
5. Openness: holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
6. Honesty: holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
7. Leadership: holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.”
A Few Things that Describe Us…
1. We’re a community of faith – we passionately believe that Jesus gave us the Church and calls us, as believers, to be a part of his Church. According to Scripture, we can’t possibly be who we’re called to be as individuals without participating in the life of our Church community.
2. We believe that pure, unadulterated, self-giving, outreaching love covers a multitude of sins – the grace of God offered to us in the sacrificial love of Jesus through the Presence of the Holy Spirit means that divine love is closer to us than our sins will ever be, all we need to do is reach out and ask for it.
3. We worship God because we want to offer him something – our first and greatest work in this life is not found in the career we’ve chosen, in our hobbies, or even in our families; it’s found in how we respond to God’s gift of salvation. Our most important work is the worship we offer to God. Only then can our families, our careers, and our pastimes make any sense and receive the attention they deserve.
4. We are radically non-conformist – when the world prods us to relinquish our unique identity or mission in Christ, we lovingly explain that we’ve found something we’ll never give up.
5. We are Christians in the Anglican way – we’re not Anglicans because of some special or unique belief system. Anglicans simply believe the Bible to be the Word of God and affirm that belief through the Apostles and Nicene Creeds – that’s it.
6. We use the Book of Common Prayer as our guide in worship – the BCP allows us to pray God’s Word as worship. Because nearly 85% of the BCP is either direct quotation of Scripture or a paraphrase of Scripture – while the rest of points to Scriptural concepts – we don’t have to continually re-invent our way of worship.
+ To be a part of Christ’s Church, without excluding or isolating yourself from other Christians.
+ To participate in the life of God’s people, with its happiness and sadness.
+ To belong to a community where all persons are respected for their individuality and can use their talents.
+ To demonstrate a theology based on the Holy Scriptures and on Tradition, coherent with intelligence and reason.
+ To be prepared to celebrate unity in diversity.
+ To take the Holy Scriptures seriously, without believing that every text must be understood literally.
+ To prefer freedom in Christ to sameness of opinion.
+ To feel devotion and reverence for the Sacraments, without trying to define each point concerning these mysteries.
+ To consider the ministry as the duty and privilege of all baptized people.
+ To be strong on morality (all that’s good and edifies) and to avoid moralism (that defines salvation as due to one’s conduct and not to the work of Christ).
+ To participate in the apostolic inheritance, faith in the Gospel of Christ.
+ To be part of an old and sacred history, which renews itself every day.
+ To believe that the Church belongs to all of us and everyone has the privilege of supporting it in accordance with the possibility of each one.
+ To participate in the administration and government of the Church under the established order.
+ To belong to an international, intercultural, and interracial family, that proclaims the Gospel worldwide. as commanded by Christ.
The mission of the Church is the mission of Christ
- Proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God
- Teach, baptize and train new believers.
- Respond to human needs with loving service.
- Seek the transformation of unjust social structures.
- Strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and for the sustenance and renewal of life on earth.
We acknowledge with gratitude that the Five Marks (the “five marks of the mission” as developed by the Anglican Consultative Council between 1984 and 1990) have gained wide acceptance among Anglicans, and have given to parishes and dioceses around the world a “list” to verify the activities of the mission.
Protecting Vulnerable Adults
We will:
- Listen to what you say
- Treat you with dignity, respect and sensitivity
- Take action as necessary
What to do if you suspect or have witnessed someone being abused
- DO stay calm and listen to them
- DO take what you are being told seriously
- DO offer support to help stop the abuse happening
- DO be aware that medical or other evidence might be needed so keep the evidence safe
- DO make a written note of what you have been told
- DO contact Social Services or Police and your bishop
- Do NOT press the person for more details (these can be taken later)
- Do NOT assume that someone else is aware of the situation and will take action
- Do NOT contact the alleged abuser
- Do NOT promise to keep it a secret
- Do NOT be afraid to contact social services or police to discuss it
“A Bible- believing family church. Seeking to reach, teach and equip people to serve Jesus, through the proclamation of the Gospel.”
As a small church in Belgrade, we are striving to be ever increasing more effective for our Lord Jesus in our Community and County. The Key areas we are wanting to develop with the Lords help are:
1) Exaltation
We desire to grow in our daily relationship with our God, through a personal and vital relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. In all of our lives it is our aim to Glorify God through a Godly witness.
2) Bible Teaching.
We believe the Bible to be the Word of God to mankind. It is through the Bible that we hear God speak. It is our aim to make His Word known in all our activities and bring our people to a greater and deeper understanding of the Word of God.
3) Family
As a church we recognize that all who join our church and who have a relationship with Jesus Christ, are part of the family of God. We are seeking to embrace all ages as a spiritual family and are striving to develop all the areas of our church life to embrace all ages.
4) Evangelism.
It is our deep desire that people would come to see and believe that Jesus is God the Son and the only Rescuer for mankind. We are striving to make Jesus known through the sharing of this message with the prayer that many would repent of their independance of/indifference to God and put their trust in the person and work of Jesus as the only way to Heaven (John 3:16 ; 36).
5) Nurture
When a person trusts Jesus Christ, it is our desire to disciple and assist them in their spiritual growth through Bible study and personal support and friendship.
6) Training
Christians are saved to serve (Ephesians 2:8-10 ). It is our desire to equip our people to serve Jesus with their gifts and abilities. It is only through a proper understanding of the Bible that Christians are ready for service (2 Timothy 3:16-17 ).